Thursday, December 22, 2011

FSD Cessna 337

The Cessna Skymaster Models H & D and its military variant, the 02A, represent an innovative twin-engine all-purpose aircraft built in a push-pull configuration. Instead of the engines being mounted on the wings, one is mounted on the nose and the other at the rear of the pod-style fuselage. The stabilizers are mounted on twin booms that extend from the wings, creating centerline or symmetric thrust. The usual yaw characteristic of twin engine aircraft is avoided, and also, the aircraft is much easier to handle on one engine.

337 Skymaster Models:
337D - Normally Aspirated
T337H-SP, Turbo-supercharged and pressurized cabin


02A Variant - Normally Aspirated


·          Fully detailed exterior

·          Smooth gauge performance

·          Conventional 2d panel and virtual cockpit

·          Fully detailed interior

·          Superb flight model

·          Window vents.  Fully functional (Open, set, and close)

·          Copilot side window 337D  Fully functional (Open, set, and close)

·          Sun shades (manually adjustable)

·          Yoke can be removed for better access to panel functions and then restored (click on yoke stem)

·          Ability to manually lower landing gears when electric system failure occurs

·          Independent control of flood lights

·          Independent control of gauge lights

·          Fully Functional fuel selector switches

·          Unique Autopilot system - models both Cessna 400A autopilot and standard "FS style" autopilot

·          Ability to select flight realism (easy, intermediate and realistic)

·          Advanced flight dynamics

·          Realistic sounds

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